
Archive for May, 2010

Wk 2, May 27

2010 season – Each Tuesday I will post the box’s produce list and sometimes a farm update if I have a minute.  The half shares might not get everything listed.

Crops are still growing fast despite cold temps and Rain Rain Rain.  Cold late May.  The last week has been too wet to work in the soil.  Lovely Gentiana (who works 3 days a week here) and I put in half of the tomatoes , and then covered with remay last week on the wind storm day!  They’re doing pretty good considering the weather and  a 15 minutes hail storm a few days after. I had to throw the hail,  like snow off of the remay cover!!! If there are white spots on the produce it’s damage from the hail.  The other tomatoes are wanting out of the small pots but we’ll have to wait a bit.  As my friend reminded me this morning, “all the rain is free watering”:)

This last rainy week has been organization, organization.  We cleared the entire barn that’s falling over and little greenhouse that had the eggplants and peppers on heat mats.  It’s felt great to clear out and put things in a place that will allow for flow of systems.  It seems there’s been no other option the last few days but to clear, organize, reorganize. . . so I’m listening to that!

Yesterday, two great volunteers Amanda and Sarah potted up the eggplant and peppers into 1/2 gallon so they can be under plastic for a few more weeks.  Temperatures below 50 degrees are not good for them. Last Thursday Gentiana, Clea, CSA member Denise and I harvested for the first share.  The farm is powered by women this year . It feels super good! Enjoy the veggies:)

Beets – baby beets.

Radish – They love water and have gotten plenty, so soak up these watery roots!

Head Lettuce –  Butterhead “Marvel of Four Seasons”. yumm crunch fresh and truly a marvel to the eye.

Salad Mix – Backyard Bounty’s mezclun mix over 20 varieties including wild lambsquarter.

Lemon Balm – Throw fresh leaves in a jar to make sun tea or hot tea.  Balm it is and great for digestion and lifting your spirit. I’ve heard it goes well baked on fish too?

Garlic Spears (also called scapes) – These are seed stalk that need to be picked for energy to go into the bulb.  Sautee in olive oil and salt until blackened. Delicious!

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