
Archive for January, 2009

After the snow storm

This is my first posting on the new website:) Yesterday, I made it out to the new farm, Lovena to check on the cover crop, kale and collards. The snow had melted and wow is the ground saturated. The cover crop mix of grasses and peas looks undamaged, unlike the 5,000 sq foot bed of fava beans that got nipped from the cold and are brown, but looks like they’ll make it. Oh my . . . the greens are thriving. They’re so delicious, hearty, and sweeter from the frost. I’m loving the stems especially, they’re so tender. I was surprised to see a bunch of volunteer baby mild mustard greens only 2 inches tall that survived just fine! On the other hand, about 20 of the kale plants, now 3 feet high, were taken down by the nutria who have been hanging out at the farm a lot the last two months. They’re herbivores and love it all! Late February I’ll be moving out there and so will work on keeping them away.  How? I’m not so sure.  If you have ideas or want to help get in touch.

Over at Big Tolman, a garden we planted this season, here’s the winter greens report. The mild mustard is soggy and maybe done for the season as well as the arugula. Except for the arugula leaves closer to the ground, they were not total mush and I harvested a bunch, all I can guess is that they got in a pocket of insulation with or from the snow?! This is all new territory to observe for me:) Osaka spicy mustard with similar textured leaves appears the same as before the storm. Some fall lettuces and chicories made it alright.

In a couple weeks we should see some new growth on the greens as the days lengthen. I’ll keep ya posted!

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